HeiQ AeoniQ™ is HeiQ’s key initiative to change the sustainability of textiles.
As the global leader in textile innovations, we have created the world’s first climate-positive continuous cellulose filament yarn through our proprietary manufacturing process. For the first time in textile history, we managed to reproduce the properties of polyester and nylon yarns in a cellulosic, biodegradable, and endlessly recyclable fiber.
Made of sustainable raw materials such as circulose®, non-valorized agricultural waste and bacteria celusose, each ton of HeiQ AeoniQ™ can potentially enable 5 tons of CO2 emission reduction.
Textiles made of HeiQ AeoniQ™ do not require agricultural land, pesticide, or fertilizer. End-of-life products are fully biodegradable and designed for eternal circularity.
HeiQ AeoniQ™ (Aeon: striving for eternal circularity) is a cellulosic endless filament yarn, innovatively manufactured with a very low environmental footprint.
HeiQ AeoniQ™ yarns match synthetic fiber properties and are designed for closed-loop circularity while maintaining consistent fiber quality.