HeiQ AeoniQ™

Meet the people who make it a reality: Julien Born

People who make it possible - Julien Born HeiQ AeoniQ CEO

“Our technology could have a substantial societal impact, so who wouldn’t be motivated or excited by this?”

What is your daily role, what motivates you to contribute to this project and what makes you most excited about HeiQ AeoniQ™?

My daily role is to ensure that as a team we execute on our business scale up roadmap and achieve the ambitious vision and goals we have set for HeiQ AeoniQ™. 

Our technology can be a game changer for the textile industry, and could have a substantial societal impact, so who wouldn’t be motivated or excited by this? 

What is your view on sustainability in the textile industry, and what can be done to reduce its impact on a global scale?

We all understand the monumental challenge and I believe there was an inflection point a few years ago, possibly accelerated by COVID, whereas the whole industry is now genuinely mobilized. That said, the current economic environment makes it challenging as cost pressures are substantial, and solutions need time to scale up and reach cost parity.

Mindsets and behaviors will have to continue to change, from the start to the very end of the value chain, but I am ultimately a strong believer in the power of technology innovations to achieve our sustainability goals as an industry. There are plenty today that are ready to scale up and “just” need a nudge from brands and investors to take off. 

What is your vision in your life?

I believe in accountability, merit, empathy, and not taking anything for granted.
As a Swiss, of course strongly believe in punctuality…

What are your hobbies?

I am definitely a foody, and lots of free time is spent around a table.

I have always liked sports, particularly jogging, skiing, football (from “both continents”), and tennis, which I still practice when my shoulder allows me to. 

What are you dreaming of?

Besides Federer’s forehand, not a whole lot as I am pretty pragmatic and try to create my own luck.